

Director of Innovation, Copel和 Professor of Entrepreneurship


  • Ph.D., University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Entrepreneurship 
  • B.A. University of Huddersfield, Hospitality Management


Dr. Pittaway’s research focuses on entrepreneurship education 和 learning 和 he has a range of other interests including: entrepreneurial behavior; networking; entrepreneurial failure; business growth; 和, corporate venturing.

Selected Publications

  • Pittaway L., 2021, Spaces for entrepreneurship education: a new campus arms race?, Annals of Entrepreneurship 教育 和 Pedagogy, Edward Elgar, NY, 978 1 78990 445 1
  • Bedo Z.,鄂尔多斯,K. 和 Pittaway L., 2020, University-Centered Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: A Conceptual Framework, Journal of Small Business 和 Enterprise Development, 卷. 27 No. 7, pp. 1149-1166.
  • Pittaway L.艾索伊,R.费瑞厄先生.Mass, P., 2019, University Spaces for Entrepreneurship: A Process Model, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior 和 研究, 卷. 26(5), p. 26.
  • Pittaway L. 2019, Assessment in Entrepreneurship 教育, Encyclopedia of 教育al Innovation, Breum Ramsgaard, M., Springer, New York, NY.
  • 福克斯,J., Pittaway L. 乌祖古南,我., 2018, Simulations in Entrepreneurship 教育: Serious Games 和 Learning through Gameplay, Entrepreneurship 教育 和 Pedagogy, 卷. 1、Iss 1., 61-89.
  • Pittaway L., Aïssaoui, R. 狐狸,J. 2018, Social Constructionism 和 Entrepreneurial Opportunity, Philosophical Reflexivity in Entrepreneurship, 劳特利奇, 伦敦.
  • Pittaway L.哈克斯特布尔,L. 汉农,P., 2018, Entrepreneurial Learning 和 教育al Practice, SAGE H和book for Entrepreneurship 和 Small Business, 布莱克本. R.De Clercq, D. 海诺宁,J. 圣人,伦敦.
  • Fayolle,., Pittaway L.,台湾,美国. 波利蒂斯,D., 2017, ‘Entrepreneurial Learning: Diversity of 教育 Practices 和 Complexity of Learning Processes’, Entrepreneurship 和 Regional Development, 卷. 29日号. 9-10.
  • 琼斯,P., Maas, G. 和 Pittaway L. (Eds.), 2017, Entrepreneurship 教育 (Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship 研究, 卷7), Emerald Publishing Ltd, pp. 1-13.
  • 琼斯,P., Maas, G. 和 Pittaway L. 2017, New Perspectives on Entrepreneurship 教育, in 琼斯,P., Maas, G.Pittaway L. (Eds.) Entrepreneurship 教育 (Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship 研究, 卷7) Emerald Publishing Ltd, pp. 1-13.
  • 阿,Toutain.法约尔,A., Pittaway L. 波利蒂斯,D., 2017, Role 和 Impact of the Environment on Entrepreneurial Learning, Entrepreneurship 和 Regional Development, 卷. 29日号. 9-10, p. 869-888.
  • Uzuegbunam, I, Yin-Chi, L, Pittaway L. 乔利,J., 2017, 人力资本, Intellectual Capital 和 Government Venture Capital, Journal of Entrepreneurship 和 Public Policy, 卷. 6期:3,页.359-374.
  • Pittaway L. R .汤斯顿., 2016, ‘Is there a Heffalump in the room? Examining Paradigms in Historical Entrepreneurship 研究’, Advances in Critical Entrepreneurship Studies, 劳特利奇, 伦敦.
  • Pittaway L., Gazzard J.Shore, A. 威廉森,T., 2015, ‘Student Clubs: Experiences in Entrepreneurial Learning’, Entrepreneurship 和 Regional Development, 卷. 27, No. 3-4, p.127-153.

演讲 & 奖

  • Top 俄亥俄州 教师 新闻maker 2020
  • Partner Stewardship Award - Strategic Innovation 2019
  • Top 俄亥俄州 教师 新闻maker 2019
  • newbb电子平台 商学院 研究 Impact Award 2018
  • Ohio House Resolution - for Entrepreneurship 教育 2018
  • Ohio Senate Exemplary Attainment Award - Entrepreneurship 教育 2018
  • USASBE Entrepreneurship Educator of the Year 2018
  • USASBE Ray Smilor 卷unteer of the Year 2017
  • newbb电子平台 Honors Tutorial College Distinguished Mentor 2016


Dr. 路加福音Pittaway is the O'Bleness Professor of Entrepreneurship at newbb电子平台 (雅典, OH). He has served in leadership roles in the 商学院 including, as Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship, Chair of the Department of Management 和 Associate Dean. In 2018 he was awarded USASBE's Entrepreneurship Educator of the Year Award.

Non-Executive, Advisory & 慈善机构 

newbb电子平台 Inn 和 Conference Center (Board of Directors), offering accommodation 和 conference rooms in 雅典, OH. www.ouinn.com/

K–Haus Limited (Advisor) an innovative designer 和 supplier of sustainable passivhaus prefabricated homes in the United Kingdom www.k-haus.co.uk

United States Association of Small Business 和 Entrepreneurship (Vice President of 研究 2017) the largest independent professional academic organization dedicated to the discipline of entrepreneurship. www.usasbe.org/