A business student talks with a professor in a coffee shop
International Business

International Business

Succeed in the Global Marketplace

In today’s global economy, 所有企业,无论大小,都受到国际竞争对手和事件的影响. 在全球市场上的成功将取决于管理者理解影响国际业务的结构和流程的能力.


国际商务专业的毕业生准备接受在他们的职业生涯中出现的国际任务,并寻求整合一系列国际和跨文化维度的国内职位. 这些职位可能涉及出口和进口等活动, international supply chain management, human resource management, international marketing and sales, international market analysis and entry, 以及涉及一系列政府或非政府组织的工作.

We know that there is no substitute for hands-on experience, so the Ohio University College of Business established the Center for International Business. 我们认识到,增长知识的最佳途径是通过国际和跨文化的商业经验.

主修国际商务的学生毕业时将获得学士学位 Bachelor of Business Administration degree (BBA).

Internship and Job Placement
Average Salary Upon Graduation

Center for International Business

商学院有一个完整的国际商务中心, 为本科和研究生阶段的国际商务学生提供支持.

From consulting programs to internships and career resources, to a student exchange program and visiting scholars, 国际商务中心在13个国家提供课程.

了解更多 关于 the Center 


International Business Major Courses

查看 International Business Major catalog page in 俄亥俄州's Undergraduate Catalog to see additional requirements, 例如单个核心需求或集群入门需求.

Required Courses

  • MGT 3600 - Introduction to International Business
  • MGT 3650 - International Market Assessment and Entry
  • MGT 4640 - Cross-Cultural 领导 and Management
  • MGT 4650 - Transnational Strategy, Organization and 领导

International Business Area of Emphasis

Complete one of the following tracks:

International Marketing Track

  • MKT 3580 - Professional Selling Techniques
  • MKT 3790 - Marketing 研究
  • MKT 4410 - International Marketing

International Finance and Trade Track

  • ECON 3400 - International Trade
  • ECON 3410 - International Monetary Systems
  • FIN 4550 - International Finance

International Entrepreneurship Track

  • ACCT 3770 - Entrepreneurial Accounting
  • MGT 3740 - Ideation and Business Models
  • MGT 3730 - Entrepreneurial Business Consulting
    MGT 4700 - Theories of Entrepreneurship

Potential 职业生涯s

在2021年国际商务毕业生中,81%的人在毕业后的六个月内获得了就业或继续教育等积极成果. 许多学生甚至在大四的时候就接受了录取.


国际商务的机会可能包括涉及出口和进口等活动的职位, international supply chain management, human resource management, international marketing and sales, international market analysis and entry, 以及涉及一系列政府或非政府组织的工作.

职业生涯 Spotlight

Brian Gallagher

Assurance Associate, McGladrey

布莱恩刚从newbb电子平台毕业,主修国际商务, 会计, and business pre-law. While attending Ohio University's College of Business, Brian participated in the Global Consulting Program, 在那里,他前往中国,在一家美国户外服装公司的跨文化咨询团队工作,这家公司希望进入不断增长的中国户外市场. "Through observation of the competition, [and] extensive research, 我们制定了一份详细的报告,并制定了一份包含销售和营销目标的三年商业计划,为未来的客户开发奠定了基础,他说. “这个项目真正考验了我们克服文化逆境的能力."

Brian已经成功通过了统一注册会计师考试的所有四个部分,并正在成为加州注册会计师执照的过程中. As an assurance associate at McGladrey, he is responsible for working with companies in many industries. His role is to understand client needs, assess risks and evaluate internal control structure, and draft financial statements. McGladrey is a leading provider of assurance, 税, 而咨询服务则专注于中端市场拥有6家以上,700 professionals in 75 U.S. 这些城市为100多个国家提供服务,并日益注重提供国际见解和最佳实践.

Student Activities

  • Global Consulting Program



    Choose from among 13 exciting locations, 每个国家都有自己丰富的文化遗产和在全球商业环境中实践学习的独特机会.

  • International Consulting Program

    俄亥俄国际咨询项目为学生提供重要的实践经验,使您能够在分析和解决重大商业问题的过程中整合理论和实践培训. 你将有机会在本田这样的公司工作, 等的, Cardinal Health, 岩石, and Preformed Line Products.


    As part of this program, 你将被安排在一个学生团队中,与一家在俄亥俄州运营的主办机构进行为期8到12周的咨询项目. 你将在文化多元化的咨询团队中工作,其中包括来自美国和世界各地的专家.S. and international students. 每个学生队至少有两个国家的代表, and may have up to four nationalities represented.

  • Ohio Export Internship Program

    现在就开始为你在全球贸易和商业领域的职业生涯做准备,积累实践经验! Through the Ohio Export Internship Program, 你将获得成功所需的技术技能和经验.

    在春季学期上了一门以出口为重点的课程之后, 学生们将在俄亥俄州一家中小型公司进行为期12周的带薪实习,将所学知识付诸实践. 准备好建立您的全球能力,并为俄亥俄州的企业做出改变?

Student Organizations


AIESEC相关是世界上最大的国际学生组织. 我们的重点是通过领导经验和全球交流机会,赋予年轻人和平和实现人类潜力的能力. 如果你热衷于运用你的学术知识和技能来经营一家能为你和你的同龄人带来变革的商业组织, global leadership experiences, then this organization is for you. 请联系 AIESEC相关@俄亥俄州.edu if interested in applying!

International Business Society

IBS的主要目标是通过为会员提供网络和志愿者机会,帮助他们在一个有趣的环境中发展专业, by discussing business practices all over the world, and by bringing in relevant, 但最重要的是邀请专业人士来做演讲嘉宾. Our meetings are informative, relaxed and interactive. Everyone's input is valued!

Organization email: ouibsociety@gmail.com

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