
Hee-Jong 搜索引擎优化




  • Ph.D. 亚利桑那大学天文学. 2001年秋季至2007年8月
  • B.S. 天文学,亚利桑那大学,优等生. 1999年春季至2001年秋季
  • B.S. 物理学,亚利桑那大学最优等生. 1999年春季至2001年秋季
  • B. 韩国釜山国立大学药学专业. 1990年春季至1994年春季



Dr. 搜索引擎优化的谷歌学者页面


  • Baryon acoustic oscillations and redshift-space distortions from galaxy redshift surveys
  • 来自宇宙剪切的大尺度群集
  • Mitigation of observational systematics in galaxy surveys using deep learning methods
  • 重子声学振荡从21cm强度映射.

My research interests are in high precision 宇宙学 with large scale structure. I study the distributions of 星系 and matter on very large scales to infer how our Universe has expanded, 我们的宇宙是由什么组成的, and therefore to collect observational clues to identify dark energy and dark matter, 它们加在一起构成了宇宙的95%,但仍然很神秘.

The main topics of my work involve the detection of the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) from the large scale structure of 星系 and matter. 这一特征很早就形成了, hot Universe by the sound waves propagated in the plasma of photons and baryons due to the interaction between photon pressure and gravity. The propagating sound waves have been frozen near the epoch of so called 'Recombination' when the baryons and photons are effectively separated.

The current distribution of 星系 and matter still trace the imprint of this primordial sound saves on very large scales. The true size of this feature is known quite accurately; therefore, 通过比较观察到的尺寸和已知的真实尺寸, 我们可以估计到各个宇宙时代的距离. This relation of distance to cosmic epoch encodes the expansion history of the Universe and therefore the properties of dark energy that drives the expansion faster and faster.

这个特征的巨大尺寸(~0.50亿光年)需要非常大的星系调查, such as Baryon Oscillations Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) which has been completed, 最近发表了一系列论文(http://sdss3.org//science/boss_publications.php), 正在进行的eBOSS(扩展BOSS) , 暗能量光谱仪器(DESI)将于2018年启动.


以及BAO特性, these surveys also intend to study the large scale streams of the 星系 (i.e, 星系 move around) to study the nature of Gravity, dark matter, and dark energy. My work involves various methods of analyzing the large scale structure of 星系 and matter, 包括分析, 数值, 观察性研究, 作为一个暗能量探测器. I am also interested in relating observed 星系 to the underlying dark matter halo distributions, 利用大尺度结构寻找中微子质量的上限, 暗物质分布的弱引力透镜信号.


  • DESI Y1 BAO重点项目联合召集人,2020年2月-至今
  • Co-Chair of the Galaxy Quasar Clustering Science Working Group for DESI, Feb 2017- Mar 2020
  • 欧洲研究理事会:启动资助小组,同行评审小组,2020年
  • SDSS-IV架构师,2015.07 -
  • Tiling coordinator for the Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS), July 2013-2019
  • 开发一个公开的BAO预测代码与教授. 丹尼尔·爱森斯坦,2007年



  • “Improving Dark Energy Constraints Using Low-Redshift Large-Scale Structures,“DE-SC, (PI), 9/1/2022-4/30/2024, 能源部, 科学办公室, 高能物理办公室, $150,000
  • BAO的最优鲁棒重构, 红移空间扭曲和阿尔科克-帕钦斯基效应,de-sc0019091 (pi), 9/2018-8/2023, 能源部, 科学办公室, 高能物理办公室, 早期职业奖, $750,000
  • “Improving Dark Energy Constraints Using Low Redshift Large Scale Structures,DE-SC0014329 (Co-PI), 4/2018-3/2021, 能源部, 科学办公室, 高能物理办公室, ($335,000)
  • “Improving Dark Energy Constraints Using Low Redshift Large Scale Structures,DE-SC0014329 (Co-PI), 4/2017-3/2018, 能源部, 科学办公室, 高能物理办公室, ($140,000)
  • “Improving Dark Energy Constraints Using Low Redshift Large Scale Structures,DE-SC0014329 (Co-PI), 7/2015-3/2017, 能源部, 科学办公室, 高能物理办公室, ($240,000)


本科: Introduction to 理论物理ics: you can explain many of the everyday physical phenomena if you take this course *well*, 运动学, 牛顿定律, 圆周运动, 液体, thermodynamics; Fundamentals of Astrophysics: Introduction to celestial Mechanics, 恒星天体物理学, 望远镜, 星系, 宇宙学

本科/研究生: Interstellar Medium and Galaxies: An advanced lecture focusing on 星系 and 宇宙学

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