




For nearly seven decades, 伊莎贝尔·考特尼·霍尔’s passion was educating students about 音乐. 有天赋的老师, 霍尔激励了无数学生去表演, 研究, 从事音乐教育的事业. 2015年,霍尔去世, her family established a scholarship for first-year undergraduates in the 音乐学院, 伊莎贝尔·考特尼·霍尔音乐教育奖学金, to support these budding 音乐 educators and to honor her legacy.  

1923年生于昌西, 就在雅典北部, 俄亥俄州, 伊莎贝尔·考特尼·霍尔 was the second of Helen and Gilbert Courtney’s five children. 霍尔的父亲曾在该地区的五个教堂担任牧师, so faith 和社区 were guiding principles for the Courtney family. 音乐被认为是一种力量, 创造性的力量可以把人们聚集在一起, 科琳·谢弗说, 大厅的侄女.

The Courtney household was “a home where there was always singing around the piano,” says Shaffer.

霍尔获得了美术学士学位, 音乐, 1946年获学士学位,1947年获教育学学士学位. 学生时代,她是女子合唱团的成员, 卡帕贝塔姐妹会, 以及基督门徒基金会. She later married Charles Hall and the two moved to the City of Norwood, 俄亥俄州, 辛辛那提的一个飞地. 在那里, 霍尔开始用她特有的精力教授音乐, first at Norwood View and Williams Avenue Elementary Schools and later at Cincinnati’s Deer Park Junior/Senior High School.

“Finally getting the guts to go in and audition for the 音乐学院 was the best decision I have ever made. 这项奖学金肯定会有所不同. 那就难多了, 对我和我妈来说压力更大了, 在没有这个帮助的情况下支付我的月供.”

–Mietta Smith, BFA ’22, 2018 伊莎贝尔·考特尼·霍尔 音乐 Education 学者hip recipient


Chris Siegfried, another of 大厅的侄女s, says Hall taught her and Shaffer a few 音乐al tricks. 

“伊莎贝尔喜欢弹钢琴和唱歌,”她说. “I can remember many years when Aunt Izzie taught me and my sister how to sing in harmony and blend our voices.” 

谢弗特别回忆起一次. Shaffer and her sisters stayed with Hall while their parents went on vacation. “It was extremely hot but she sat at the piano determined to teach us 音乐al harmonies to perform for my parents when they returned. 她甚至给我们买了衣服,让我们看起来很像. When we picked my parents up, we were singing in the car all the new songs we’d learned—in harmony.” 

Besides teaching, Hall sang in the Chancel Choir at Zion United Church of Christ in Cincinnati. 她还指挥锡安青年合唱团超过50年. In the late 1960s Hall took the Zion Youth Choir on a cross-country tour and in the 1970s she established the Cherub Choir for younger children. 

“She put a tremendous amount of time into all her programs,” says Shaffer. 她的丈夫查尔斯非常支持她. 他也一直在那里. 有时当他们需要道具时,他会自己做.”

朱迪白, a former student and the Zion United Church of Christ’s current choir director and minister of 音乐, 霍尔是一个鼓舞人心的人.  

“I was one of the lucky ones, because I was only 10 years old when Isabel entered my life. She encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and sing my first solo during a Sunday service,怀特说. “Her 朋友hip and influence helped me find a way to become a high school 音乐 teacher and eventually the director of the Zion Chancel Choir for the last 20 years.” 

With Hall’s support, White formed the adult Norwood Community Chorus (NCC) in 2006. 这个受欢迎的团体已经演出过多次了, 最终达到了50多名歌手的会员高峰. In 2012, Hall helped the NCC get to the World Choir Games, where they were awarded a silver medal. 

When Hall’s family decided to establish 伊莎贝尔·考特尼·霍尔音乐教育奖学金, 他们享受到了……的好处 俄亥俄州的匹配这是一种接受捐赠者的礼物并使其变得更强大的工具.

Private funds provide the lion’s share of scholarship dollars for 俄亥俄州 students. Providing access and opportunity to any student seeking an education is core to 俄亥俄州’s mission. 因此,俄亥俄州的匹配提供0美元.50 in matching funds for every dollar committed to eligible scholarship endowments. 该项目目前已进入第六年,将于2020年6月结束. As of December 31, 2019, the 俄亥俄州的匹配 program has garnered $12,652,104.81 from donors, with the University providing matching funds totaling $6,326,053.64人,净收入1,072,633美元.66 in support of enrolled students in colleges across the University. 

“As I practiced more and learned more I realized how much 音乐 had helped me. 音乐确实是一种我们都能说的语言. I just want to be there to guide student 音乐ians into learning it.”

–Heather Aycock, BFA ’22, 2018 伊莎贝尔·考特尼·霍尔 音乐 Education 学者hip recipient


“We are so thankful to be able to honor 伊莎贝尔·考特尼·霍尔 in this way,美术学院院长马修·沙夫特尔说. “She exemplified the spirit of the 音乐学院 by using the power of 音乐 education to bring positive transformation to her family, 朋友, 和社区. With the foresight of her family and the added power of the 俄亥俄州的匹配, 伊莎贝尔·考特尼·霍尔’s legacy will continue to bring that positive transformation that 音乐 can have through the work of future students 研究ing to become 音乐 educators.”

Corinne Shaffer recognizes the 伊莎贝尔·考特尼·霍尔 音乐 Education 学者hip for what it is: an important tool in supporting students who, 像霍尔, 相信音乐适合所有人.  

“She was very encouraging of other people interested in 音乐 and she helped her nieces and nephews go to college. It’s a natural fit, enabling people who have a genuine interest in furthering their 音乐 education.” 

Friends and family of Hall recently met with the first two recipients of the 伊莎贝尔·考特尼·霍尔 音乐 Education 学者hip
Friends and family of Hall recently met with the first two recipients of the 伊莎贝尔·考特尼·霍尔 音乐 Education 学者hip (from left): Chris Siegfried, 大厅的侄女; Mietta Smith, a first-year 音乐 student; Teresa Beach, 大厅的侄女; Heather Aycock, a first-year 音乐 student; and Tim Rogers from the Charles and Isabel Hall Foundation. 照片由Ellee Achten, BSJ ' 14, MA ' 17
