

祝贺你获得新职位,欢迎来到newbb电子平台! 我们认识到承担新的角色, 为一个新的机构工作, 在一个新的环境中生活,每个人都会面临独特的挑战. We’ve compiled a variety of information below to help new employees become acquainted with the University, 参与, 并获得成功. Should you have any questions or concerns at any point during your time at newbb电子平台, 请让我们知道,我们将很乐意为您提供适当的资源!

For information geared towards employees regarding short-term orientation topics or longer-term, 更多涉及入职主题, 请看下面的信息. Clicking on any of the headers below will expand the selection to show additional information.


As part of the hiring process, all new benefits-eligible staff will be automatically registered for 新员工培训,由人力资源福利团队和校园合作伙伴进行. The date for orientation will be included on the official offer letter sent to the new employee by 大学人力资源. Similarly, new benefits-eligible faculty will be automatically enrolled in orientation. 该日期将与系里和新教员共享.

New employee orientation is an all-day session designed to give new faculty and staff pertinent information regarding healthcare benefits, 退休福利, 健康计划, 停车服务, 和更多的. The session also serves as an opport单位y for new employees to complete any new hire paperwork that they may not yet have completed with the HR Service Center.

Employees are encouraged to remind supervisors of their orientation date and to make sure that no conflicting meetings are scheduled for that day so as to not miss any pertinent information.


除了为符合福利条件的员工进行新员工培训, new faculty members who have support from their department leadership to attending 新教员W欢迎访问.

由执行副校长和教务长办公室主持, 新教师欢迎提供重要信息, 资源, 并支持新教师加入newbb电子平台的任何一个校区. 该事件提供了有关关键流程和程序的信息, 学生支持与成功, 晋升和终身职位, 开发支持教学和研究的资源, 以及大学联系人的重要介绍.


对于新员工和他们的主管来说,第一天可能是压倒性的. While supervisors will often plan out the first day(s) to ensure that new employees are given critical information, new employees should feel w欢迎访问 to ask about any orientation-style topics not addressed from getting office keys to learning about office kitchen protocol. If a new employee is uncomfortable engaging a supervisor or department head about a given topic, 欢迎他们与我们联系 人力资源联络.

Understanding and Aligning with Mission, Values, Strategic Pathways, Initiatives

我们鼓励所有员工了解并接受我们的使命, 值, 以及俄亥俄州的战略路径, 他们的单位, 他们的部门.

While many supervisors will share this information with employees throughout their time at 俄亥俄州, 也欢迎员工在网站上查找相关资源 大学文化页面, 参与俄亥俄州网页, 总统优先事项页面 总统办公室的人. Individual departments or 单位s may have additional websites or sources of information and employees are encouraged to engage in dialogue with supervisors and department leadership about these topics.

另外, we encourage employees to take these high-level focuses into consideration when collaboratively setting goals with supervisors as discussed in the performance management section. 


大学的, there are a variety of involvement opport单位ies for faculty and staff such as employee affinity organizations, 专业发展计划, 参议院和委员会, 以及各种校园和社区活动.

To learn more about possible involvement opport单位ies, employees are encouraged to explore the 参与俄亥俄州网页 and discuss interests with supervisors to see what other department- or 单位-wide involvement opport单位ies may also be available and to discuss how the department normally prefers to manage such time commitments. 


参与机会之外, there are a variety of 资源 available to ensure that employees are supported throughout their time at 俄亥俄州. 可用资源包括但不限于我们的 员工援助计划; 大学无障碍办公室; 健康计划; the 同性恋, 多元文化的, 女性的中心; meditation spaces; lactation spaces 和更多的.

有关这些资源和其他资源的更多信息, 鼓励员工和主管参观 无障碍,住宿和包容页面 或者联系他们的 人力资源联络.


除了指导机会, many departments or 单位s also have additional internal involvement opport单位ies such as diversity committees, 阅读组, 各种特别活动, 等. 欢迎新员工的时候, supervisors are encouraged to share general information about such opport单位ies and calendars with new employees prior to their start date. Doing so allows new employees to explore opport单位ies and be prepared to ask questions or discuss interests upon their arrival.


第一天, it’s fairly standard for supervisors to introduce new employees to anyone in the office, but we recognize it’s difficult to make any real connection in those brief hallway greetings.

We encourage employees to ask supervisors to identify key contacts such as teammates, 研究合作伙伴(年代), 部门/策划组主管, 人力资源联络, 校园合作伙伴(年代), 社区伙伴(年代), 等. Some employees may find it helpful to ask supervisors to make such connections via email with a brief introduction, while others may feel more comfortable asking for an opport单位y to have face-to-face meetings as schedules allow. Employees are encouraged to keep calendars up-to-date to make scheduling of any introductions easier.

至于了解一个单位的人力资源联络员, 公司总是鼓励员工在网站上阅读更多关于联络员角色的信息 人力资源联络页. 当然, both employees and supervisors are w欢迎访问 to reach out to their 人力资源联络 at any time with questions!


One way to get the ball rolling on any new position is to jump into the performance management model: establishing what both short- and long-term SMART goals are, 确定哪些资源和/或培训是必要的, 参与到开放的, 诚实地检查进度, 回答问题, 场的想法, 等.

设定目标时, we encourage both supervisors and employees to engage in an open dialogue about the needs and expectations of the role, where the new employee feels they can best contribute based on skills and interests. 如上所述, this is an excellent opport单位y for employees and supervisors to work together to articulate how the new employee’s role will align with university, 单位, 以及部门任务, 值, 和目标.

Additional information about performance management at 俄亥俄州 as well as available training opport单位ies for non-supervisors is available on 性能管理页面. 以帮助导航性能管理模型, 寻求反馈, 或者练习设定目标, 鼓励员工联系他们的 人力资源联络.

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