




健康 & Safety





费用取决于你的学生选择的课程. If the program is an OHIO program, please look at the program page to find specific cost information. 如果是供应商计划,费用可以在供应商的网站上找到.


newbb电子平台 financial aid may be applied to newbb电子平台-sponsored study abroad and exchange programs, 透过 俄亥俄国际财团 (OIC), and programs offered through affiliated third party providers such as:

美国外国研究学会 (AIFS)

国际学术课程 (API)


国际教育交流委员会 (找到)

CISabroad (CIS)

海外国际研究 (ISA)



查看我们的 资金页面 有关奖学金的资料.



  • 每天监控安全名单服务和国务院的警告.
  • Requires faculty directors to submit a trip itinerary and an Emergency Action Plan, 在发生紧急情况时,哪些详细说明了国内资源.
  • Maintains a 24-hour emergency line with a staff member on-call at all times (contact 740-593-4583 if you need to get in touch with us).
  • Ensures that each participant has an Emergency 联系 Card before they leave the U.S., which supplies contact information for their program director and other in-country resources (police, 医院, etc.)在紧急情况下.
  • 要求学生在美国大学注册.S. 驻该国大使馆. The embassy can provide assistance to students in many emergency situations.
  • Enrolls students in mandatory international health insurance for the duration of their time abroad.


Everyone participating in an newbb电子平台 sponsored education abroad experience is required to enroll in a mandatory 国际健康保险政策 由全球机遇办公室确定. Those students traveling on a US-based program must verify that they are enrolled in a valid domestic insurance policy.


It is recommended that at least one parent or support person have a valid U.S. 护照,以防紧急情况. If you need more information on how to apply for a passport please visit the U.S. 美国国务院网站.



什么是文化冲击? 它并不像这个词所暗示的那样“令人震惊”或突然. 基本上, it is the realization that many of your presumptions about the world and the way to get along may not always be accurate in another culture. It is also a deep and sometimes disturbing recognition that you are far from home, and you feel a growing sense that the rules you have learned your whole life do not apply. The "shock" is not a single moment but rather a growing emotional, physical, and mental awareness.

It is important to remember that this shock is part of your student's adaptation and a very normal process. These are feelings that are commonly experienced by anyone going through a major transition. 即使是那些经常出国旅行的人也会有这种经历, it is important that your student does not feel ashamed about their reactions to new situations. Acknowledge them and try not to let the negative feelings cloud their entire experience.



你的学生会有很高的期望和积极的心态. Anything new is intriguing and exciting; new sights, new tastes, new smells, etc. Early problems are usually masked by the many tasks and adjustments that your student has to make. 这个阶段可能持续几天到几周.


Your student will begin struggle to perform daily tasks because of the differences in language, 住房, 朋友, 或学业. Your student may become aggressive and begin to complain about the new country and culture. Your student may begin to reject the new country and only notice the bad things that bother them.


Your student may begin to indulge in their own culture by only speaking English, 吃家里的食物, 只和来自自己文化背景的人交往. He/She may continue to complain about every aspect of the new country/culture and only remember the good things about their home country/culture. They may begin to remember their home as a wonderful place where nothing ever went wrong and often question why they left. 你的学生可能会感到焦虑, 悲伤, and homesickness and may be affected by these feelings through compulsive eating/drinking, 睡眠模式的改变, 或易怒.


Your student will become more comfortable with the language and customs on the new country. He/She will become accustomed to the culture and begin to realize that no country is that much better than another, 只是不同的. 你的学生会更适应新的环境, 新食物, 新的习俗和幽默感开始回归.


Your student may feel depressed and miss the country and 朋友 they have left behind. He/She may feel that no one understands or cares about what they have experienced. Your student may come home with different perspectives and views about their culture and lifestyle. He/She might feel like a stranger in their home and become irritated and critical others and American culture.


不是每个人都会经历文化冲击的所有阶段. Some will experience the phases in different orders and for different lengths of time.


  • Listen to their exciting stories and remember these for the future when times may become more challenging for them.
  • 你的支持是很重要的. Listen carefully and try to find out exactly what is upsetting your student.
  • 建议你的学生与现场工作人员交谈. They have experience in helping students adjust during the initial period abroad.
  • Listen to your student’s stories and congratulate them on adapting to their new surroundings and culture.
  • 作为家长,你可能无法理解你的学生正在经历什么. It may be enough to be aware that culture shock exists and that it probably will affect you student in some way.


  • Listen to their exciting stories and remember these for the future when times may become more challenging for them.
  • 你的支持是很重要的. Listen carefully and try to find out exactly what is upsetting your student.
  • 建议你的学生与现场工作人员交谈. They have experience in helping students adjust during the initial period abroad.
  • Listen to your student's stories and congratulate them on adapting to their new surroundings and culture.
  • 作为家长,你可能无法理解你的学生正在经历什么. It may be enough to be aware that culture shock exists and that it probably will affect you student in some way.
  • 倾听学生的故事,不要打断他们. 你的学生可能想花几个小时谈论他们在国外的经历. Many of their 朋友 will not have the time or patience for this, so your student may rely on you.
  • 鼓励你的学生与国外的朋友保持联系.
  • Make a suggestion for your student to get involved with international activities on their college campus once they return.
  • 你的学生回来时可能会觉得比离开前更独立. Be patient and open-minded and look for ways to accept this new independence. 在他们离开之前已经存在的规则可能需要调整.