



在接触六名举着警示牌的学生时,我遇到了蔡斯. 我第一次和Chase通过邮件沟通, offering academic success tips and encouraged him to schedule a meeting with me. Later that same week Chase and I met in person to discuss his poor grades and the concern several of his faculty had for him. It was during this meeting that I learned a lot about Chase’s life outside of the classroom. 蔡斯管理着很多“生活”. We discussed getting him set up with a counselor as well as a 1:1 tutor and a study skills coach. I arranged some accountability for Chase by offering to reach out to him every couple of weeks. 在询问蔡斯是否认为MOSN的旗帜有帮助时, 他说他觉得这“改变了他的生活”. 有人愿意花时间来帮助他, invite him to have a conversation about how he’s doing and provide him with resources and helpful support, “一切都不一样了”.


The 我的俄亥俄成功网络 helps us find students who have stopped attending classes. 几封邮件之后, 一个一个月没上课的学生来看我, really wanted to start attending again but wasn’t sure how to face his instructors. We met every week and created short-term to-do lists to help him get back on track. 这包括起草给教师的电子邮件, determining which classes should be dropped and which he might ask for incompletes, 与财政援助人员讨论,以确定对奖学金的影响, 和辅导员见面. He finished the semester in good academic standing and connected to several helpful resources.


The instructor of MATH 1200 raised a flag that one of my advisees has never attended the class. 在检查了记录之后, I realized that student had improved her math placement after BSO and had registered for MATH 1300. On the other hand the student forgot to drop MATH 1200 from her fall schedule. The student was so relieved when I reached out to let her know the issue. If the instructor had not helped with alerting the network at the right time, the student would have passed a higher level math class and would have received an F for the lower level math in the same semester ruining the overall cumulative GPA.


I was able to help many students who were on the borderline of being dismissed or being on probation. The early intervention from their faculties helped me intervene at the right time. I have helped these students drop the failing class and add a half semester course. This has also led to conversations to explore different majors that they could be interested in. Without the flags being raised by the faculty I would have not known the student was struggling.


卡米拉因为从不上课而被打了牌. 当她的导师伸出援手表达担忧时, 那个学生向我们保证她每节课都去了. After meeting with the student it was discovered that she had been attending the wrong section of the course. The advisor was able to work with faculty and compete the appropriate paperwork to enroll the student in the proper section.


Eli is a student that would have slipped through the cracks and not met graduation requirements had it not been for the My Ohio Student 成功的网络. After being flagged during the mid-term grade report for less than satisfactory work, an advisor in his college office reached out and began meeting with him regularly. 当时, 他是一名大四学生,没有宣布任何推论, 不知道具体的专业要求, 是下学期的班吗. Through this intervention we were able to help improve his fall GPA, change his major sequence and approve multiple course substitutions. This change reduced the overall necessary courses needed to graduate from 11 to 5 and he was able to graduate on time at the end of his senior year.


My Ohio Student 成功的网络 notified Michael that he was missing too many classes and in danger of failing a major required course. This spurred him to meet with the professor during office hours. Michael had believed that he was doing well in the class as he had earned A’s on all of his speeches. 在他和老师谈话的时候, he became aware of the attendance policy written in the syllabus that requires regular attendance to pass the class with a C or better. 如果他再缺两节课的话, it would have been impossible to pass the class even while earing A’s on his assignments.


Rebecca, a fully-online student, received 2 flags for missing assignments from her instructors. 在我联系她之后,她马上给了我回复. She was embarrassed to have gotten behind in her work and was unsure how to proceed. She felt more comfortable reaching out to her instructors after I spoke with her.


悉尼, 谁只通过eccampus在线学习课程, began receiving multiple flags for non-participation (no log-in flags). 当我们找到她的时候, we learned that she had been hospitalized and was not able to work on her studies. 我们能够指导她的选择,她很感激.


Maddie, a new eCampus student, received a flag from her instructor that she was missing assignments. She was unaware that she had missed the required discussion board component for her class. Her success coach was able to reach out to her to see how she could assist her in getting caught up. 她很感激这个通知,于是又回到了正轨.


I assumed Maria was not planning to return in the fall based on a tough spring semester and not being enrolled for fall. Turns out she DOES plan to come back, but has not been able to reach her advisor. I set up an appointment with her to chat about her spring semester struggles and what her plan is for fall. I’m glad this flag helped us to identify her need for help more quickly.

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