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Geoffrey D. Dabelko


Geoffrey D. Dabelko is a Professor at the 沃伊诺维奇领导与公共服务学院 at newbb电子平台 in Athens, OH. 他从事环境方面的教学和研究, peacebuilding, and security; global environmental politics; climate change and security; and environmental leadership. He is currently focusing on the conflict and peacebuilding potential of climate change responses and environmental peacebuilding. 他是newbb电子平台的联合主任 国家首都实习计划 and the annual Environmental Peacebuilding and Sustainability 留学项目 in the Balkans. From 2012-2018, he served as Director of the Environmental Studies Program.

Dabelko是联合国的高级顾问 环境变化与安全项目 (ECSP), a nonpartisan policy forum on environment, population, and security issues at the 伍德罗·威尔逊国际学者中心 在华盛顿特区.C. From 1997-2012, 他曾担任ECSP的董事, 与政策制定者合作, practitioners, and scholars grappling with the complex connections that link environment, health, population, conflict, and security.

Dabelko has directed grants from a range of funders including the National Science Foundation, 纽约卡内基公司, 联合国环境规划署, and the U.S. 国际开发署. He was principal investigator for USAID-funded efforts including the "Health, Environment, Livelihoods, Population and Security (HELPS) Project” and the "Resources for Peace Project.他之前在 Foreign Policy 以及外交关系委员会. He wassan adjunct professor at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey and lecturer at the Georgetown University 沃尔什外交学院.

Dabelko是 绿色星球蓝调: Critical Perspectives on Global Environmental Politics (6th ed.(即将于2019年出版)nvironmental调解 (2002). He was a lead author for the 5th assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working Group II Chapter 12 on Human Security released in 2014. 其他出版物已经出现在 全球环境变化, 原子科学家公报, 气候变化, 全球治理, 安全对话, Environment, Grist and Ensia.

Dabelko is a member of the United Nations Environment Programme's Expert Advisory Group on Environment, Conflict, 与建设, a board member of the Environmental Peacebuilding Association, 人口资料局委员, and an advisory board member of Screenscope's "Journey to Planet Earth" PBS documentary initiative. In 2018, Dabelko was the co-recipient with Ken Conca of the Fifth Al-Moumin奖 and Distinguished Lecture on Environmental Peacebuilding.

Dabelko拥有博士学位.D. in government and politics from the University of Maryland, College Park and an AB in political science from Duke University.

