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Learn About Our Students

Looking for top talent? We've got it. Our Bobcats are career ready.

response rate at 6 months
positive outcomes at 6 months
Status of Graduates from Academic Year 2021-2022
Major Total Spring Graduates Response Rate Positive Outcomes Average Salary
Accounting 56 93% 96% $55,340
Business Analytics 40 98% 97% $55,976
Business Economics 7 86% 100% $51,500
Business Pre-Law 5 60% 67% $38,680
Entrepreneurship 20 90% 100% $47,469
Finance 129 88% 90% $55,226
International Business 16 88% 79% 48,217
Marketing 183 92% 92% $49,901
Management Information Systems 54 91% 96% $63,713
Sport Management 76 93% 92% $36,482
Strategic Leadership and Management 65 92% 92% $53,413


For more information on College of Business students at Ohio University, please contact Employer Relations, at or 740.593.2042.