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Careers & Internships in Geography

个性化的艺术职业指导 & Sciences Students

College of Arts & 理科生可以利用个性化的职业指导, 有很多资源可以帮助他们为成功的生活做准备. 拥有文科学位的学生非常受欢迎,因为他们受过批判性思考的教育,并成为21世纪问题的解决者.

Geography Jobs Listserv

订阅地理职位列表服务 地理相关职位及实习职位公告.

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浏览数十个实习机会和全职工作发布为newbb电子平台的学生和校友 Handshake, 俄亥俄州研究工作的关键资源, employers, workshops, and professional development events.

地理顾问是谈论职业或研究生院的一个很好的资源. 也可以和他们谈谈报名参加实习(GEOG 4910)或研究经验(GEOG 494x)课程的事.

Environmental Geography Major (B.S.)

环境地理学位为学生在各种环境下的职业生涯做好准备, 包括环境和可持续性规划, resource management, natural areas preservation, 户外和环境教育, as well as in environmental assessment, monitoring, and restoration. In addition, graduates can seek careers in private and public firms and agencies that employ geographic information systems; education (public and private K-12 schools and higher education); local, state, or federal governments; city and regional planning agencies; non-profit organizations; etc.

Geographic Information Science Major (B.S.)

拥有地理信息科学(GIS)学位的学生在私营部门和政府机构都有丰富的就业机会. Career tracks include, but are not limited to, 以下职位:地理空间数据技术员, 地理空间数据库管理器/管理员, cartographer, remote sensing imagery analyst, GIS analyst, software designer, GIS educator, and project manager.

Geography Major B.A. and B.S.

地理学位为学生准备了各种各样的职业道路, including environmental planning, 国际及社区发展, foreign service, cultural and historic preservation, 地理信息系统的管理. Examples of potential employers include, but are not limited, to the following: private and public firms and agencies that employ geographic information systems; education (public and private K-12 schools and higher education); local, state, or federal governments; city and regional planning agencies; architecture firms; non-profit organizations; museum and historical sites; etc.

Geography–Environmental Pre-Law (B.S.)

获得地理环境法律预科学位的学生为进入法学院做好了充分的准备, both in-state and around the nation. 对于那些选择在毕业后追求事业的人, 学生准备在各种各样的设置的位置. These include, but are not limited to, 环境及可持续发展规划, resource management, natural areas preservation, 户外和环境教育, as well as in environmental assessment, monitoring, and restoration. In addition, graduates can seek careers in private and public firms and agencies that employ geographic information systems; education (public and private K-12 schools and higher education); local, state, or federal governments; city and regional planning agencies; and non-profit organizations.


拥有地理全球化与发展文科学位, 学生们为各种领域的就业做好了准备, 包括非盈利和政府工作, 特别是在社区和国际发展领域. 该学位还将为学生在国际背景下的私营部门工作做好准备. 这个项目的毕业生也将很好地进入研究生院或法学院, 对学术领域有研究和专业兴趣, including, but not limited to, geography, public affairs and policy, development studies, and community and regional planning.

Geography–Meteorology Major (B.S.)

气象学专业为学生在国家气象局工作做准备, 私营部门(包括农业和能源行业的就业岗位), insurance agencies, and others), 以及以预测为主要工作职责的联邦和非联邦职业. 该计划还为学生在研究生阶段的高级专业培训和教育做好充分准备, 包括广播气象学的研究生教育.


攻读地理-城市规划和可持续发展学位的学生非常适合各种各样的职业机会, 从城市规划师到企业可持续发展官员. 虽然城市规划者在当地担任职务是很常见的, state, and federal governments, additional employment opportunities are available with urban and environmental planning firms; real estate development companies; community-based non-profit organizations; local, state, and national parks; architecture firms; zoning administration; historical preservation agencies; institutions of higher education; etc. 许多城市规划职位需要研究生学位. Consequently, 城市规划和可持续发展专业的毕业生也很适合研究生水平的规划学习, environment studies, public policy, and geography programs.

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