GSS member taking notes during a meeting
Open Positions at GSS

Open Positions at GSS

我们目前不接受2023-2024学年的新申请. However, 我们鼓励您在2024年夏季重新开放申请时查看以下职位类型! Experience is not required!

GSS Voting Member Positions

All 有表决权的会员必须每两周参加一次全体会议 that last for approximately 1.5 hours each. Meetings are typically held Tuesday nights. 如果不能出席,必须有代理人代表你.

College Senators


参议员(每个学院1名)代表学院及其毕业生选区的利益. Senators serve on 2 internal or external committees, attend committee meetings, and hold at least 3 office hours per week.

PLEASE NOTE: 你必须是你所申请学院的学生. In addition to the GSS application (found below), 关于担任GSS学院参议员,请联系您所在学院的院长.  参议员的任命须经本人所在学院的确认才能最终确定.

Department Representatives


部门代表负责将研究生/专业学生在其学术部门的需求传达给总机构, and vice versa. 代表在至少一个内部或外部委员会任职, attend committee meetings, and hold at least 2 office hours per week.

PLEASE NOTE: 你必须是你所申请的系的学生. In addition to the GSS application (found below), 有关担任GSS部门代表的事宜,请与系主任联系. 部门代表的任命必须由其所在部门确认.

Note: Not all departments are listed here, 如果您想代表您的部门,请与我们联系



专员(特别利益小组)代表研究生/专业学生群体中特定群体的利益,并处理研究生群体关注的特定领域. Commissioners hold at least 3 office hours per week, 参加他们所在的两个内部或外部委员会的会议.g., 国际事务专员可以在大学国际理事会任职,并与其他大学参议院一起处理有关国际研究生的问题)。.

GSS Non-Voting Member Positions (Appointed Positions)


这些职位是根据行政会议的需要而定的,范围从活动组织者到摄影师和平面设计师(每个职位的说明见下文)。. 任命的职位由GSS执行委员会提名最后确定. 工作时间取决于你的日程安排,通常是每周3-5小时. 这些职位是灵活的,因为我们正在寻找有激情的人加入GSS. newbb电子平台邀请所有学生(研究生、教授和本科生)申请指定职位.

GSS Chief of Staff

  • Required to attend ALL General Body Meetings of the Graduate Student Senate
    • Meetings are held on Tuesdays twice a month from 7-9pm
  • 全体大会会议记录及点名记录员
  • 参加研究生院办公室与副院长的会议
  • 管理研究生院的支持人员
  • 不迟于会议结束后三个工作日将会议记录分发给副总裁以供发布
  • Maintain order in the Graduate Student Senate office
  • Graduate/Professional student preferred

GSS Historian

  • 负责协助GSS历史资料的整理和归档工作

GSS Photographer

  • Take GSS photos during events and certain meetings
  • GSS成员可否要求与他/她一起参与与GSS有关的活动
  • 负责全年与GSS一起记录和归档事件
  • Work with the Executive Officers

GSS Graphic Designer/ Multimedia Content Creator

  • 负责通过设计和实施印刷和社交媒体平台的材料,帮助GSS帮助市场和社交媒体需求
  • Create engaging posts on our social media platforms
  • Work closely with the Vice President
  • Experience with design software preferred

GSS Special Project Liaison

  • 协助GSS总裁和其他高管完成和推进GSS的特殊项目
  • Graduate/Professional student preferred


  • As our community is exceedingly diverse and talented, 如果你发现你的技能可以用另一种方式来支持俄亥俄的研究生专业学生群体, please don't hesitate to let us know.

如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请发送电子邮件至 GSS Executive Board



GSS Elections for Executive positions will be held at the beginning of Spring semester for the next academic year; applications will open Week 12 of the previous Fall semester. The elected positions of GSS President, Vice President, and Treasurer receive a tuition waiver and stipend. GSS选举在春季学期结束时举行,为即将到来的学年选出参议员. 

The positions available are: 

President – see Chapter 2.03 of the R&P for duties; requires 20 hrs/wk and does not allow other assistantships 

Vice President –  see Chapter 2.04 of the R&P for duties; hours vary.  

Treasurer –  see Chapter 2.05 of the R&P for duties; hours vary

To be eligible to apply you must...

  • Be a graduate or professional student enrolled for the 2023-24 school year. 
  • Be a student in good academic standing. 
  • 每个申请的职位是否有20%的GSS成员的认可.  (This means you will need 9 signatures per position.)

The application, which closes Friday, February 2nd at 11:59 pm consists of filling out this survey,大约需要20-30分钟完成,并获得9名GSS成员的签名.  获得和提交这些背书的说明可以在调查的最后找到. You may only apply for one position. 

After candidates have successfully applied, there will be a campaign period, and then an election will be held.  问题可直接向2023-2024年GSS选举委员会的成员提出: Edward Asante, Abigail Bartlett, or Brian Everett.


Office hours 每周是否有时间与选区团体或行政人员会面,讨论政府服务计划. 这可以结合你的TA/GA/RA时间(技术上), somewhere you will be every week at the same time). If you have a variable schedule from week-week, 可以安排远程工作时间,或与执行干事协商后预约.

External Committees are committees that are run outside of GSS. GSS作为一个独特的声音参与,通过服务于外部委员会,将研究生的观点带给大学委员会的大学管理者.g., Graduate Council or University International Council).

Internal Committees GSS内部有研究生事务委员会吗. 参与内部/外部委员会是大学和GSS共同治理体系的一个组成部分.